New GPCR targets for diseases
POC Chairs:
Jean-Philippe Pin Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, INSERM
Ralf Jockers Functional Pharmacology and Pathophysiology of Membrane Receptors , Institut Cochin Paris, CNRS, INSERM
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Wednesday 1st October
GPCRs at the single molecule level
- Emmanuel Margeat (Montpellier, France) Structural dynamics of mGluRs by smFRET
- Davide Calebiro (Birmingham, UK) Super resolution of GPCRs
The Jacques Dumont Keynote lecture 1
- Gebhard Schertler (Switzerland) GPCR structures, for what ?
Thursday 2nd October
GPCRs as novel targets for Cancer
- Martine Smit (Amsterdam) Nanobody-based modulation of oncogenic chemokine receptors
- Dimitris Placantonakis (NYU, New York) Adhesion GPCRs and Glioblastoma
- 3/4 short talks
Free PM
Keynote lecture 2
- Michel Bouvier (Montréal, Canada) GPCR signaling profiles in cancer
- Poster sesssion
Friday 3 rd October
GPCRs as novel targets for Metabolic diseases
- Timo D. Müller (Diabetes Center München) Dual and triple incretin receptor agonists
- Julie Dam (Paris, France) Adipose tissue induction of beiging (b3AR/GPR50)
- Shirly Pinto (Kallyope) Gut targets: first oral FFAR agonists- TBD
- 3/4 short talks
Friday PM
GPCRs as targets for brain diseases
- Philippe Rondard (Montpellier, France) Nanobodies to treat brain diseases
- Kirill Martemyanov (Miami, USA) Immunotherapy for depression
- Jeff Conn (Nashville, USA) Musca rinic receptors as a targets for schizophrenia- TBD
- 3/4 short talks
Keynote lecture 3
- Bernhard Bettler (Switzerland) The GABAB receptor story, a therapeutic target- Poster sesssion
Saturday 4 th October
AI to help GPCR drug discovery
- Aurélien Rizk (InterAx – Switzerland) Modeling and predicting GPCR signaling
- Chris de Graaf (UK) In Silico and AI approaches for drug design
- Miles Congreve (IsomorphicsLabs - UK) AI in drug discovery
- ExScientia